I am the owner and director of the Austrian company - Limited liability company (GmbH). After two months the deadline for my permission to stay in Austria. What documents should I provide for its extension?
For independent entrepreneurs to either stay in Austria for extension of stay in the country respectively, by Art. 2, § 13 of the Aliens Act - Fremdengesetz 1997 (FrG).
Independent entrepreneur to extend permission to stay in Austria (Niederlassungsbewilli-gung) must submit the following documents (possibly in the future may require other documentation):
- Filled in application form in German (Antrag), which states the purpose of stay (Zweck) in Austria. Must be filed and a separate statement for each family member.
- A signed agreement by the applicant integration - Integrationsvereinbarung (only for persons who received the first permit to stay in Austria after January 1, 1998).
- Actual photo of the applicant - Passfoto (this requirement applies to all, including children older than 5 years).
- Birth certificate (Geburtsurkunde), translated into German and certified by a sworn translator.
- Certificate of registration of marriage (Heiratsurkunde), as well as in the case of divorce - a certificate of divorce (rechtskrKftiges Schei-dungsurteil), translated into German and certified by a sworn translator.
- Copy of valid passport (Kopie des gYaltigen Reisepasses).
- Copies of old passports with previous Austrian visas.
- Proof of places to stay in Austria - Nachweis eines Rechts-anspruches auf eine fYar InlKnder ortsYabliche Unterkunft (for example, a contract for renting an apartment).
- Proof of the last payment of rent of an apartment - Nachweis der Mietzahlung.
- Actual excerpt from the corporate registry (Firmenbuch-auszug) or confirmation of responsible labor market (zustKndige GeschKftsstelle des Arbeitsmarktservice) the presence of registered private entrepreneurs under par. - § 2 of the Law on Employment of Foreigners (AuslKnderbeschKftigungs-gesetz).
- Corporate Agreement - Gesellschaftsvertrag (only if the entrepreneur has less than 50% of firms) or confirmation of the labor market responsible for the availability of registration of private entrepreneurs under par. - § 2 of the Act on employment of foreigners.
- Proof of a license (Nachweis der Gewer-beberechtigung), confirmation of the registration pursuant to paragraph 1 of § 1 - Procedure for Licensing (Gewerbe-ordnung).
- Proof of payment of taxes from the company financial management of the place of registration of the firm (Unbe-denklichkeitsbescheinigung des Firmensitzfinanzamtes) and proof of payment of personal taxes of the financial management of the place of residence (Unbedenklichkeitsbescheini-gung des Wohnsitzfinanzamtes).
- Confirmation of the availability of health insurance businessman and his family members, covering all risks (Nachweis einer alle Risiken abdeckenden Krankenversiche-rung), or actual printout of the insurance company for entrepreneurs (Sozialver-sicherung der gewerblichen Wirtschaft).
- Confirmation of the fact that as a result of business the applicant can meet their living needs (eg, preliminary contracts - VorvertrKge).
- Other documents confirming the availability of funds (sonstige Vermgens-nachweise), such as savings passbook to the applicant's name or a statement from his bank account, as well as confirmation of the investments made by the applicant, etc.
- Information on the number of workers employed in the firm (Anzahl der BeschKftigten).
- Estimated gain or loss firms (Bekannt-gabe des voraussichtlichen Gewinnes oder Verlustes), according to the auditor.
- Corporate balance (Steuer-bilanz).
All documents must be submitted in original. Foreign certificates must be translated into German and certified by a sworn translator. Applications must be submitted for each family member.
For independent entrepreneurs to either stay in Austria for extension of stay in the country respectively, by Art. 2, § 13 of the Aliens Act - Fremdengesetz 1997 (FrG).
Independent entrepreneur to extend permission to stay in Austria (Niederlassungsbewilli-gung) must submit the following documents (possibly in the future may require other documentation):
- Filled in application form in German (Antrag), which states the purpose of stay (Zweck) in Austria. Must be filed and a separate statement for each family member.
- A signed agreement by the applicant integration - Integrationsvereinbarung (only for persons who received the first permit to stay in Austria after January 1, 1998).
- Actual photo of the applicant - Passfoto (this requirement applies to all, including children older than 5 years).
- Birth certificate (Geburtsurkunde), translated into German and certified by a sworn translator.
- Certificate of registration of marriage (Heiratsurkunde), as well as in the case of divorce - a certificate of divorce (rechtskrKftiges Schei-dungsurteil), translated into German and certified by a sworn translator.
- Copy of valid passport (Kopie des gYaltigen Reisepasses).
- Copies of old passports with previous Austrian visas.
- Proof of places to stay in Austria - Nachweis eines Rechts-anspruches auf eine fYar InlKnder ortsYabliche Unterkunft (for example, a contract for renting an apartment).
- Proof of the last payment of rent of an apartment - Nachweis der Mietzahlung.
- Actual excerpt from the corporate registry (Firmenbuch-auszug) or confirmation of responsible labor market (zustKndige GeschKftsstelle des Arbeitsmarktservice) the presence of registered private entrepreneurs under par. - § 2 of the Law on Employment of Foreigners (AuslKnderbeschKftigungs-gesetz).
- Corporate Agreement - Gesellschaftsvertrag (only if the entrepreneur has less than 50% of firms) or confirmation of the labor market responsible for the availability of registration of private entrepreneurs under par. - § 2 of the Act on employment of foreigners.
- Proof of a license (Nachweis der Gewer-beberechtigung), confirmation of the registration pursuant to paragraph 1 of § 1 - Procedure for Licensing (Gewerbe-ordnung).
- Proof of payment of taxes from the company financial management of the place of registration of the firm (Unbe-denklichkeitsbescheinigung des Firmensitzfinanzamtes) and proof of payment of personal taxes of the financial management of the place of residence (Unbedenklichkeitsbescheini-gung des Wohnsitzfinanzamtes).
- Confirmation of the availability of health insurance businessman and his family members, covering all risks (Nachweis einer alle Risiken abdeckenden Krankenversiche-rung), or actual printout of the insurance company for entrepreneurs (Sozialver-sicherung der gewerblichen Wirtschaft).
- Confirmation of the fact that as a result of business the applicant can meet their living needs (eg, preliminary contracts - VorvertrKge).
- Other documents confirming the availability of funds (sonstige Vermgens-nachweise), such as savings passbook to the applicant's name or a statement from his bank account, as well as confirmation of the investments made by the applicant, etc.
- Information on the number of workers employed in the firm (Anzahl der BeschKftigten).
- Estimated gain or loss firms (Bekannt-gabe des voraussichtlichen Gewinnes oder Verlustes), according to the auditor.
- Corporate balance (Steuer-bilanz).
All documents must be submitted in original. Foreign certificates must be translated into German and certified by a sworn translator. Applications must be submitted for each family member.